Benefits of Being A Part of The Caregiver Coalition Fund of America’s Community


For both for-profit businesses, nonprofit organizations and nonpaid family caregivers (i.e., family caregivers) there are a number of benefits associated with joining the Caregiver Coalition Fund of America’s (CareCFA’s) Community.  Listed below are some of the benefits and as the Registry continues to grow there will be additional benefits.


Benefits for For-Profit Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations
By joining the Registry in 2021 for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations will be listed in CareCFA’s Care Community as a Founding member.
  • All for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations that join CareCFA’s Community in 2021 will receive complementary membership for the 2021 fiscal year.
  • The Caregiver Coalition Fund of America will encourage family caregivers to join the Community and to utilize the Community’s businesses and organizations that offer valued products and services to family caregivers.
  • Community members will be offered access to sponsorship opportunities at a discounted rate.


  • Community members will receive invitations to “Members Only” online and/or live events.
  • Opportunities to have “Community Members Only” visibility at selected online and/or live events.
  • Exclusive opportunities to promote events and services on CareCFA’s newsletter and website.
  • Additional benefits will be added throughout 2020, the Community’s founding year.
Nonpaid Family Caregivers
Complementary Community membership is offered to all nonpaid family caregivers.
  • Be listed as a Found Family Caregiver member of the Community.
  • Access to discounts on products and services offered by for-profit businesses and nonprofit organizations who are members of the Community.
  • Access to CareCFA’s Community members only section of the website.
  • Receive a complementary subscription to CareCFA’s newsletter Spotlight.
  • Receive opportunities to help other nonpaid family caregivers in the United States as well as in other countries.
  • Additional benefits will be added throughout 2020, the Community’s founding year.


Rosalynn Carter Caregiver quote