Youth As Family Caregivers

There is a crisis within a population segment of the family caregiver community.  This population segment involves youth caregivers under the age of 18.  According to the American Association of Caregiver Youth (2023), there are over 5.4 million children and teenagers that serve as family caregivers.  Further, as reported by the Society for Research in Child Development (Social Policy Report, Vol. 34, Issue 2, pgs. 1-24, 2021) these youth caregivers experience It has been found that these individuals are more likely to experience frustration, anxiety, and depression when compared to their non-caregiving counterparts.  Compounding this stress is the need to balance conflicting responsibilities that include caregiving and school work.


The youth caregiver crisis is further compounded by their high school drop-out rates.  According to the National Center for Educational Statistics (2019), approximately 26% of all students who drop-out of high school do so because they were caregivers.  Such data are alarming because students who drop out of school tend to have higher unemployment rates, lower income levels, poorer health as adults, more likely to become incarcerated, and have higher missed opportunities for education and career than their non-caregiver counterparts (Facing the School Dropout Dilemma, American Psychological Association, 2012).


In 2024, the Caregiver Coalition Fund of America will launch its Youth as Family Caregiver Division.  The Division will establish programs that will support youth caregivers; especially those who have dropped out of school.  In addition, the Division will strive to work with school districts to identify students who are caregivers and are at risk of dropping out of school.


News For Family Caregivers

An important service provided by the Caregiver Coalition Fund of America (CareCFA) is to provide reliable and valued information to family caregivers.  This information may include scientific and technological advances that may be of importance to family caregivers as well as information from various news services.  CareCFA will periodically add news features to this page; therefore, please bookmark this page for easy access.  If you have any information that you would like CareCFA to consider adding to our News page, please e-mail us at:  Thank you.


News For February 28, 2024


Credit for Caring Act of 2024 (S. 3702)

The Credit for Caring Act of 2024 is a bipartisan initiative aimed at supporting approximately 70 million Americans who provide financial care for family members. These caregivers play a crucial role within our healthcare community.

As of this writing (February 25, 2024), the Credit for Caring Act of 2024 is in the legislative process.  It was introduced in the 118th Congress by Senator Michael F. Bennet on January 31, 2024.  If passed, the bill would provide a nonrefundable federal tax credit to working family caregivers who incur caregiving expenses exceeding $2,000 during the taxable year.   The credit would cover 30% of qualified expenses up to a maximum of $5,000.  For taxable years beginning after 2024, the dollar amount may be adjusted for inflation.  The bill has been referred to the Committee on Finance.
